Friday, June 8, 2018

Drive It Like You Stole It

One of the most serious consequences of a DUI conviction is the drivers license suspension.  Typically a DUI based suspension will last 120 days. During those four months the DUI recipient cannot drive. There are no exceptions for work, school, or other worthwhile activities. 

For my clients who live and work in the city, where public transportation is available, and Ubers and Lyfts are abundant, the four month suspension is an irritation that can be managed. My rural clients, however, who commute to work, don’t have it so easy. If car pooling is not an option they often impose on family members to drive them around. When that is not an option, some lose their jobs. 

When faced with possible job loss, some clients make the poor decision to drive in spite of their suspension. This is a bad idea on many levels. First, it is a crime, a class B misdemeanor, if the same severity as the DUI, punishable by up to six months of jail. Second, if caught, their drivers license will be suspended for an additional year for each time they are caught, even if they are not convicted of the new offense. It is far better to not drive on the suspended license. Those who reject this advice had better drive the speed limit, have their vehicle registered, and make sure their vehicle has no equipment issues. 

Some say “drive it like you stole it” is slang for driving reckless and fast. I disagree. When you drive a vehicle in violation of the law, whether because it is stolen, or the driver’s license is suspended, drawing attention to the vehicle is the last thing you want to do. Looking over you shoulder is no way to live. If you could wait 16 years to drive, you can wait 4 months.